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    Social Security (p. 2)



ABC News/Washington Post Poll. March 10-13, 2011. N=1,005 adults nationwide. Margin of error ± 3.5.


"Now thinking about the Social Security system that mainly provides retirement income for senior citizens: If changes are not made, do you think the Social Security system is heading for a crisis down the road, or not?"
In 2005, this phrase omitted: "Now thinking about the Social Security system that mainly provides retirement income for senior citizens,"


Yes No Already in
crisis (vol.)
% % % %  


81 15 1 3  


71 23 1 5  


"I'm going to mention changes some leaders have proposed for Social Security. Please tell me if you support or oppose each one. . . ."


Support Oppose Unsure    
% % %    


"Increasing the Social Security tax rate"


35 61 4    


31 64 4    


"Collecting Social Security taxes on all the money a worker earns, rather than taxing only up to about $107,000 of annual income"
2005: Collecting Social Security taxes on all the money a worker earns, rather than taxing only up to the first $90,000 of annual income"


53 43 4    


56 40 4    


"Raising the retirement age to receive full Social Security benefits to 68, instead of the current 67"


42 57 1    


33 66 2    


"Further reducing the benefits paid to people who retire early. For instance, people who retire at age 62 would get 63% of their full benefits, rather than the current 70%"


46 52 2    


36 62 2    


"Changing the way Social Security benefits are calculated so that benefits increase at a slower rate than they would under the current formula" Asked of half the sample (Form A)


45 48 6    


37 57 6    


"Reducing guaranteed benefits for future retirees" Asked of half the sample (Form B)


32 66 2    


20 75 5    


AP-CNBC Poll conducted by GfK Roper Public Affairs & Corporate Communications. Nov. 18-22, 2010. N=1,000 adults nationwide. Margin of error ± 4.3.


"As you may know, there is a cap on how much people have to pay in Social Security taxes each year, so that once people earn over a certain amount, currently just under $107,000, they don't have to pay any additional Social Security taxes. That's in part because the benefits that people can get from Social Security after retirement are also capped. Do you think that cap should be INCREASED so that higher-income earners pay more in Social Security taxes, even if they don't get more benefits after retirement, or STAY THE SAME, so that higher-income earners don't pay more in Social Security taxes?"


Be increased Stay the same Unsure    
% % %    


49 47 3    


"Please tell me if you would favor, oppose or neither favor nor oppose raising the age at which people can retire and receive their full benefits from Social Security to age 69?"


Favor Oppose Neither Unsure  
% % % %  


28 64 6 1  


"What if that increase in the age at which people can retire and receive their full benefits were phased in over 65 years, so that people aged 4 today would be the first ones who would have to wait until age 69 to receive their full Social Security benefits? In that case, would you favor, oppose or neither favor nor oppose raising the age at which people can retire and receive their full benefits from Social Security to age 69?"


Favor Oppose Neither Unsure  
% % % %  


26 53 18 2  


NBC News/Wall Street Journal Poll conducted by the polling organizations of Peter Hart (D) and Bill McInturff (R). Nov. 11-15, 2010. N=1,000 adults nationwide. Margin of error ± 3.1.


"How comfortable are you with a proposal to gradually increase the Social Security retirement age over the next sixty years to age 69 in order to reduce the federal deficit? Are you very comfortable, somewhat comfortable, somewhat uncomfortable, or not comfortable at all?"


Not comfortable
at all
% % % % %


16 25 18 39 2


Kaiser Family Foundation Kaiser Health Tracking Poll. Oct. 5-10, 2010. N=1,202 adults nationwide. Margin of error ± 3.


"Overall, which party, the Democrats or the Republicans, do you trust to do a better job handling Social Security going forward?" Options rotated


Democrats Republicans Both (vol.) Neither (vol.) Unsure
% % % % %


44 29 3 15 8


USA Today/Gallup Poll. Sept. 13-16, 2010. N=1,019 adults nationwide. Margin of error ± 4.


"Now I'd like to ask you about the major entitlement programs the government is committed to, including Social Security and Medicare. Do you think the cost of these programs will create major economic problems for the U.S. in the next 25 years if no changes are made to them, or not?"


Will Will not Unsure    
% % %    


77 18 4    


"If the cost of major entitlement programs does create major economic problems for the U.S., do you think the government should or should not do each of the following to deal with the situation? How about [see below]?"


Should Should not Unsure    
% % %    

"Raise taxes"


42 56 2    


"Cut benefits"


31 66 2    


Pew Research/National Journal Congressional Connection Poll, sponsored by the Society for Human Resource Management. Sept. 9-12, 2010. N=1,001 adults nationwide. Margin of error ± 4.


"As you may know, there is a current proposal that would allow younger workers to invest a portion of their Social Security taxes in retirement accounts of their choice, which might include stocks, bonds or mutual funds, and provide either a lower or higher benefit than Social Security does now. Generally, do you favor or oppose this proposal?"


Favor Oppose Unsure    
% % %    


58 28 15    


CNN/Opinion Research Corporation Poll. Aug. 6-10, 2010. Adults nationwide.


"Do you think the Social Security system will be able to continue to pay you full benefits, or do you think there will eventually be cuts in your benefits?" N=339 RETIRED adults, MoE ± 5.5


Pay full
be cuts
apply (vol.)
% % % %  


41 55 2 1  


"Do you think the Social Security system will be able to pay you a benefit when you retire?" N=670 NON-retired adults, MoE ± 4 overall, ± 5.5 for 18-49 and 50 & older groups


Will Will not Doesn't
apply (vol.)
% % % %  

ALL non-retired

39 60 1 1  

18-49 years of age

30 70 - 1  

50 & older

63 34 2 1  


Bloomberg Poll conducted by Selzer & Co. March 19-22, 2010. N=1,002 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3.1.


"I'm going to mention some general approaches that could be considered to help decrease the deficit, some of which may mean a sacrifice for you and your household. For each, please tell me if you think this approach should be strongly considered, just considered, or taken off the table. . . ."


Taken off
the table


% % % %



"Remove the cap on the Social Security tax so that wage-earners who make more than $107,000 a year continue to pay into Social Security"


36 42 18 4



"Reduce annual cost-of-living increases for Social Security participants"


17 35 47 1



"Here are some topical issues for which I'd like to get your opinion. For each statement I read, please tell me if this is something with which you strongly agree, mostly agree, mostly disagree, or strongly disagree. Government-run programs such as Social Security and Medicare should be privatized."


% % % % %


13 20 25 34 8


"Critics of the Obama administration have used the word 'socialism' to talk about some proposed government programs. For each of the following government programs or policies, please tell me if you think it is definitely a form of socialism, sort of like socialism, or not socialism. . . ."


Sort of like
Not socialism Unsure


% % % %



"Social Security"


16 34 40 10



"Expansion of Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security"


20 38 33 9



ABC News/Washington Post Poll. Feb. 19-22, 2009. N=1,001 adults nationwide.


"How confident are you the Social Security system will be able to pay your full benefits throughout your retirement: very confident, somewhat confident, not so confident or not confident at all?" Asked of half the sample


Not So
Not at All


% % % %



11 28 23 38



CBS News Poll. Oct. 12-16, 2007. N=1,282 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3.


"Which of the following do you think best describes the financial situation of Social Security today? It is in crisis. It is in serious trouble, but not in crisis. It is in some trouble. OR, It is not really in trouble at all."


Crisis Serious
Not In
% % % % %


30 36 26 5 3


Associated Press/Ipsos poll conducted by Ipsos-Public Affairs. Jan. 3-5, 2006. N=1,001 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3.1.


"When it comes to Social Security, do you approve or disapprove or have mixed feelings about the way George W. Bush is handling that issue?" If "mixed feelings" or not sure: "If you had to choose, do you lean more toward approve or disapprove?"


Approve Disapprove Mixed
% % % %
1/3-5/06 35 60 2 3
12/5-7/05 38 57 3 2
11/7-9/05 37 59 2 1
10/3-5/05 35 59 3 3
9/6-8/05 35 61 2 3
8/1-3/05 33 63 2 2
7/11-13/05 35 61 2 1


37 59 2 2


38 60 2 1


36 58 4 2


37 56 4 3
2/22-24/05 39 56 5 -


CNN/USA Today/Gallup Poll. July 22-24, 2005. N=1,006 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3.


"Based on what you have heard or read, in general, do you approve or disapprove of George W. Bush's approach to addressing the Social Security system?"


Approve Disapprove Unsure
% % %


29 62 9


40 53 7


44 50 6


CBS News/New York Times Poll. June 10-15, 2005. N=1,111 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3.



"Do you approve or disapprove of the way George W. Bush is handling Social Security?"





% % %
6/10-15/05 25 62 13
5/20-24/05 26 62 12


"Do you have confidence in George W. Bush's ability to make the right decisions about Social Security, or are you uneasy about his approach?"





% % %
6/10-15/05 27 66 7
4/13-16/05 25 70 5


"Which of the following do you think best describes the financial situation of Social Security today? It is in crisis. It is in serious trouble, but not in crisis. It is in some trouble. OR, It is not really in trouble at all."



Crisis Serious Trouble Some Trouble Not In Trouble Unsure
% % % % %
6/10-15/05 17 38 37 5 3
2/24-28/05 15 46 32 5 2


"Do you think the Social Security system will have the money available to provide the benefits you expect for your retirement?"



Yes No Already
Benefits (vol.)
% % % %
6/10-15/05 31 51 12 6
5/20-24/05 31 55 8 6
4/13-16/05 36 51 8 5
2/24-28/05 34 49 9 8
1/14-18/05 34 54 7 5
11/02 28 55 9 8
1/02 34 46 10 11
8/01 35 53 8 4
6/01 30 56 8 6
5/00 41 45 7 7
5/99 29 55 8 8


"Regardless of how you usually vote, do you think the Republican Party or the Democratic Party is more likely to make the right decisions about Social Security?"



Both (vol.) Neither (vol.) Unsure
% % % % %
6/10-15/05 31 48 1 7 13
2/24-28/05 31 48 1 5 15


"On the whole, do you think it should or should not be the government's responsibility to provide a decent standard of living for the elderly?" Form A (N=588)



Should Should
% % %
6/10-15/05 80 16 4
5/20-24/05 81 15 4
2/24-28/05 79 17 4


"Some people have suggested allowing individuals to invest portions of their Social Security taxes on their own, which might allow them to make more money for their retirement, but would involve greater risk. Do you think allowing individuals to invest a portion of their Social Security taxes on their own is a good idea or a bad idea?" Form C (N=562)



Good Idea Bad Idea Unsure
% % %
6/10-15/05 45 50 5
5/20-24/05 47 47 6
4/13-16/05 45 49 6
2/24-28/05 43 51 6
1/14-18/05 45 50 5
11/04 49 45 6
11/02 48 46 6
1/02 54 39 7
8/01 52 43 5
6/01 48 46 6
5/00 51 45 4


"Some people have suggested allowing individuals to invest a portion of their Social Security taxes on their own into a small number of authorized investment funds, which might allow them to make more money for their retirement, but would involve greater risk. Do you think this is a good idea or a bad idea?" Form D (N=549)



Good Idea Bad Idea Unsure
% % %
6/10-15/05 39 56 5


"What effect do you think allowing individuals to invest a portion of their Social Security taxes on their own would have on the financial situation of the Social Security program itself? Would it make the program's financial situation better, make it worse, or would it not have much impact on the Social Security program's financial situation?"



Better Worse No Impact Unsure
% % % %
6/10-15/05 25 36 27 12


"Currently, people pay Social Security taxes only on the first $90,000 of their annual income. If it were necessary to keep the Social Security program paying benefits as it does now, would you favor or oppose increasing the amount of income that is subject to Social Security taxes?"



Favor Oppose Unsure
% % %
6/10-15/05 63 30 7


"If it were necessary to keep the Social Security program paying benefits as it does now, would you favor or oppose raising the age at which a person can retire and receive full Social Security benefits?"



Favor Oppose Unsure
% % %
6/10-15/05 30 67 3


"If it were necessary to keep the Social Security program paying benefits as it does now, would you favor or oppose increasing the Social Security tax rate?"



Favor Oppose Unsure
% % %
6/10-15/05 41 54 5


"What if the government decided to address Social Security's financial problems by having future Social Security benefits grow more slowly than they do now for middle‑ and high‑income people, while allowing benefits to grow as scheduled for low-income people? Would that be acceptable or not acceptable?"



Acceptable Not
Only Cuts To
% % % %
6/10-15/05 59 35 1 5


"From what you know, are the problems with the Social Security system so serious they must be fixed right now; OR serious, but do not need to be fixed for another ten or fifteen years; OR not very serious at all?"



Fixed in
10-15 Years
Not Very
% % % %
6/10-15/05 57 36 4 3
2/24-28/05 55 35 7 3


"President Bush has proposed some specific changes to Social Security. He proposes that future increases in Social Security benefits would be smaller for most Americans, but people with the lowest incomes would continue receiving increases in their benefits as they do now. People would be offered the option of investing some of their Social Security taxes in personal accounts. Do you think, in general, this plan for Social Security is a good idea or a bad idea?"



Good idea Bad idea Unsure
% % %
ALL 43 48 9
  Republicans 68 26 6
  Democrats 26 68 6
  Independents 41 47 12


"Do you expect to get back more money than you've contributed to Social Security, less money than you contributed, or about the same amount of money?"



More Less Same Unsure
% % % %
6/10-15/05 14 50 32 4


"If people are allowed to invest some of their Social Security money on their own, which do you think is most likely to happen: most people will make profits on the Social Security money they invest on their own, most people will suffer losses, or most people will break even?"



Make profits Suffer losses Break even Unsure
% % % %
6/10-15/05 18 46 28 8


ABC News/Washington Post Poll. June 2-5, 2005. N=1,002 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3.


"Do you approve or disapprove of the way Bush is handling Social Security?"


Approve Disapprove Unsure    
% % %    


34 62 4    


31 64 5    


35 56 9    


38 55 7    
12/16-19/04 38 52 9    
4/04 41 51 8    
3/04 38 55 7    
10/03 40 46 14    
9/03 43 46 11    


"Would you support or oppose a plan in which people who chose to could invest some of their Social Security contributions in the stock market?"


Support Oppose Unsure    
% % %    


48 49 2    


45 51 4    


56 41 3    
12/16-19/04 53 44 3    
7/02 52 45 3    
4/01 53 46 2    
3/01 52 45 3    
5/00 64 31 5    


"Based on what you know about Bush's proposals, do you think they would or would not improve the long-term financial stability of the Social Security system?"


Would Would not Unsure    
% % %    


32 63 5    


"If a system were put in place that reduced the rate of growth in guaranteed benefits, but allowed a stock-market option for some Social Security contributions, do you think that would increase or decrease the overall retirement income most seniors receive?" Options rotated


Increase Decrease No difference
% % % %  


32 56 4 7  


CBS News Poll. May 20-24, 2005. N=1,150 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3.



"How should the Social Security system pay its benefits? Should it pay out money to retired people based only on how much they contributed, or should it take some of the contributions of better-off people and give them to poorer people?"



Give more
to poor
Both (vol.) Unsure
% % % %
5/20-24/05 46 43 3 8
2/24-28/05 47 43 2 8


"Currently, people pay Social Security taxes only on the first $90,000 of their income. Would you favor or oppose raising the amount of income that is subject to Social Security taxes?"



Favor Oppose Unsure
% % %
5/20-24/05 62 31 7
2/24-28/05 61 31 8


"Would you favor or oppose limiting the rate of growth of future Social Security benefits for people with incomes of $100,000 or more?"



Favor Oppose Unsure
% % %
5/20-24/05 50 40 10


"Would you favor or oppose limiting the rate of growth of future Social Security benefits for people with incomes of $50,000 to $100,000?"



Favor Oppose Unsure
% % %
5/20-24/05 35 55 10


NBC News/Wall Street Journal Poll conducted by the polling organizations of Peter Hart (D) and Bill McInturff (R). May 12-16, 2005. N=1,005 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3.1.


"In general, do you think that it is a good idea or a bad idea to change the Social Security system to allow workers to invest their Social Security contributions in the stock market?"


Good Idea Bad Idea Unsure
% % %
5/12-16/05 36 56 8
3/31 - 4/3/05 35 55 10
2/10-14/05 40 51 9
1/13-17/05 40 50 10
12/9-13/04 38 50 12


"Please tell me which of the following approaches to dealing with Social Security you would prefer: (A) Making some adjustments but leaving the Social Security system basically as is and running the risk that the system will fall short of money as more people retire and become eligible for benefits. OR, (B) Changing the Social Security system by allowing people to invest some of their Social Security taxes in private accounts -- like IRA's or 401k's -- and running the risk that some people will lose money in their private accounts due to drops in the stock market."


As Is
Other (vol.)
% % % % %
5/12-16/05 47 39 6 4 4
3/31 - 4/3/05 48 40 6 4 2
2/10-14/05 50 40 5 3 2
1/13-17/05 44 46 5 2 3
12/9-13/04 39 45 7 4 5


"Which of the following do you think best describes the financial situation of Social Security today: it is in crisis, it is in serious trouble but not in crisis, it is in some trouble, or it is not really in trouble at all?" Half-sample (Form B)


Crisis Serious
Not in
% % % % %
5/12-16/05 14 39 36 8 3
3/31 - 4/3/05 17 37 36 7 3
2/10-14/05 17 35 39 7 2
1/13-17/05 14 38 38 7 3


"If there is a time in the future when Social Security benefits must be reduced, which approach would you favor? Approach A: Reduce benefits by an equal percentage across the board for all workers to maintain Social Security as a program where your benefits depend on what you paid in the system. Approach B: Reduce benefits by a higher percentage for workers earning more than twenty-five thousand dollars, while making no change for workers who make less than this so that those with the most need receive the most benefits."


% % %
5/12-16/05 40 50 10


"Would you support or oppose -- sometime in the future -- raising the age at which workers can receive Social Security benefits?"


Support Oppose Unsure
% % %
5/12-16/05 33 62 5


Time Poll conducted by Schulman, Ronca & Bucuvalas (SRBI) Public Affairs. May 10-12, 2005. N=1,011 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3.







"Do you approve or disapprove of the job President Bush is doing in each of these areas? Handling of Social Security issues."



Approve Disapprove Unsure
% % %
5/10-12/05 31 59 10


31 58 10
3/15-17/05 37 54 8
1/12-13/05 40 49 11






"Regardless of how you usually vote, who do you trust more to protect the Social Security system and retirement benefits: the Republicans or the Democrats?"



Republicans Democrats Neither (vol.) Both (vol.) Unsure
% % % % %
5/10-12/05 36 46 9 1 8
3/15-17/05 35 45 12 1 7


Associated Press/Ipsos poll conducted by Ipsos-Public Affairs. May 2-4, 2005. N=1,000 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3.1.


"Some have said that the Social Security program in its present form will run out of money at some point to pay all of the promised benefits. Do you agree or disagree?"


Agree Disagree Unsure  
% % %  


70 27 3  


"Would you personally be willing to accept reduced Social Security benefits in retirement if that meant benefits for poorer retirees would not be reduced, or not?"


Willing Not
% % %  


40 56 4  


"Who do you trust more to handle the issue of Social Security . . . ?"


Democrats Republicans Neither
% % % %


48 36 15 1
2/22-24/05 43 37 16 4


CNN/USA Today/Gallup Poll. April 29-May 1, 2005. N=1,006 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3.


"Do you approve or disapprove of the way George W. Bush is handling Social Security?"


Approve Disapprove Unsure
% % %
4/29 - 5/1/05 35 58 7


35 57 8


35 56 9


43 48 9


41 52 7
3/02 47 40 13
7/01 49 35 16
3/01 49 31 20


"Do you think the federal government should make major changes in the Social Security system to ensure its long-term future in the next year or two, within the next 10 years, or do you think major changes are not needed within the next 10 years?"


Next Year
or Two
Within 10
Not Needed
% % % %
4/29 - 5/1/05 45 36 16 3


38 37 22 3


49 39 9 3


"As you may know, a proposal has been made that would allow workers to invest part of their Social Security taxes in the stock market or in bonds, while the rest of those taxes would remain in the Social Security system. Do you favor or oppose this proposal?"


Favor Oppose Unsure
% % %
4/29 - 5/1/05 44 52 4


39 56 5


45 47 8


48 48 4


"As you may know, a proposal has been made that would curb Social Security benefits for middle-income workers in the future, curb them even more for higher-income workers, but would not affect benefits for lower-income workers and those born before 1950. Do you favor or oppose this proposal?"


Favor Oppose Unsure
% % %
4/29 - 5/1/05 38 54 8


"Who do you trust more to deal with the issue of Social Security retirement benefits: the Democratic Party or the Republican Party?" Options rotated


Equally (vol.)
Neither (vol.) Unsure
% % % % %
4/29 - 5/1/05 46 36 3 12 3


47 37 2 9 5


"If you had to choose, which of the following do you think would be best for you in the long run? Congress passes a Social Security reform plan this year that most Republicans support. Or, Congress passes a Social Security reform plan this year that most Democrats support. Or, Congress does not pass a plan this year." Options rotated


No Plan
This Year
% % % %
4/29 - 5/1/05 27 22 46 5


"If you had to choose one of the following approaches to ensuring Social Security’s long-term future, would you rather raise Social Security taxes or curb the amount of benefits for future Social Security recipients?" Options rotated


% % %
4/29 - 5/1/05 53 38 9


"Do you think it is possible to ensure the long-term future of the Social Security system without either raising YOUR taxes or cutting YOUR Social Security benefits, or is that not possible?"


Possible Not
% % %
4/29 - 5/1/05 35 62 3


"Based on what you have heard or read, do you think the proposals for Social Security made by George W. Bush would cut the amount of Social Security benefits you, personally, will receive, or protect the amount of Social Security benefits you, personally, will receive?" Options rotated


% % %
4/29 - 5/1/05 53 38 9


"How worried are you that the Republicans will go too far in changing the Social Security system: very worried, somewhat worried, not too worried, or not at all worried?"


Not Too
Not At All
% % % % %
4/29 - 5/1/05 28 34 21 15 2


"How worried are you that the Democrats will not go far enough to change the Social Security system: very worried, somewhat worried, not too worried, or not at all worried?"


Not Too
Not At All
% % % % %
4/29 - 5/1/05 22 39 26 11 2


"Just your best guess, if you had to choose, do you think the Democrats are mainly trying to use the Social Security issue to hurt the Republican Party in the next elections, or are they mainly trying to ensure the long-term stability of the Social Security system?" Options rotated


% % %
4/29 - 5/1/05 46 49 5


"Just your best guess, if you had to choose, do you think George W. Bush is trying to ensure the long-term stability of the Social Security system, or is he trying to dismantle the Social Security system?" Options rotated


Dismantle Unsure
% % %
4/29 - 5/1/05 55 41 4


50 46 4


FOX News/Opinion Dynamics Poll. April 25-26, 2005. N=900 registered voters nationwide. MoE ± 3.


"Based on what you know about the Social Security proposal for personal investment accounts, is it your understanding that individuals could continue under the current system if they wanted, or is it your understanding that everyone would be required to put a portion of their retirement money in stocks and mutual funds?"


Could continue under current system 57    
Required to invest in stocks/mutual funds 27    
Unsure 17    


"Thinking about Social Security contributions, do you think people under age 55 should have the right to choose between keeping all of their contributions in the current system and investing a portion of their contributions?"


Yes No Unsure    
% % %    
ALL 79 13 8    
Under 55 84 11 5    
55 & older 74 15 11    


"Based on what you know about the Social Security personal investment proposal, would you want the choice to invest a portion of your Social Security contributions in stocks or mutual funds?"


Yes No Unsure    
% % %    
4/25-26/05 53 37 9    
2/8-9/05 48 40 12    


ABC News/Washington Post Poll. April 21-24, 2005. N=1,007 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3.


"Who do you trust to do a better job handling Social Security: Bush or the Democrats in Congress?" Options rotated


Bush Democrats Both (vol.) Neither (vol.) Unsure
% % % % %


32 50 2 11 3


37 49 2 11 2


37 50 2 8 3


43 50 1 3 3


41 50 1 4 4


42 51 1 5 2


38 52 1 5 3


CBS News Poll. April 13-16, 2005. N=1,149 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3.



"Do you have confidence in George W. Bush's ability to make the right decisions about Social Security, or are you uneasy about his approach?"



Confident Uneasy Unsure
% % %
ALL 25 70 5
Republicans 59 33 8
Democrats 6 92 2
Independents 19 76 5



2/24-28/05 31 63 6


CNN/USA Today/Gallup Poll. April 1-2, 2005. Adults nationwide.


"As you may know, one idea to address concerns with the Social Security system would allow people who retire in future decades to invest some of their Social Security taxes in the stock market and bonds, but would reduce the guaranteed benefits they get when they retire. Do you think this is a good idea or a bad idea?" Form A (N=519, MoE ± 5)


Good Idea Bad Idea Unsure
% % %


33 61 6


33 59 8


36 60 4


40 55 5


40 55 5


"Do you think political leaders in this country are moving too slowly, or moving at an appropriate pace in taking up legislation to change the Social Security system?" Options rotated. N=1,040, MoE ± 3.


Too Fast
% % % %


61 29 7 3


FOX News/Opinion Dynamics Poll. March 29-30, 2005. N=900 registered voters nationwide. MoE ± 3.


"Do you favor or oppose giving individuals the choice to invest a portion of their Social Security contributions in stocks or mutual funds?"


Favor Oppose Unsure
  % % %
ALL 60 28 12
  Under 30 years 76 16 9
  30-45 65 24 10
  46-55 54 33 13
  Over 55 56 31 14


"How concerned are you that the Social Security system will not have enough money to pay you your full benefits when you retire: very concerned, somewhat concerned, not very concerned, or not at all concerned?"


Concerned Not
  % % % %
ALL 54 23 20 2
  Under 30 years 84 9 2 4
  30-45 77 22 - 1
  46-55 74 20 4 2
  Over 55 28 28 42 2


Pew Research Center for the People & the Press survey conducted by Princeton Survey Research Associates International. March 17-21, 2005. N=1,505 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3.


"How much, if anything, have you heard about a proposal which would allow younger workers to invest a portion of their Social Security taxes in private retirement accounts, which might include stocks or mutual funds? Have you heard a lot, a little or nothing at all?"


A Lot A Little Nothing Unsure
% % % %
3/17-21/05 46 32 22 -
2/16-21/05 43 35 21 1
12/1-16/04 23 43 33 1


"Generally, do you favor or oppose this proposal?"


Favor Oppose Unsure
% % %
3/17-21/05 44 40 16
2/16-21/05 46 38 16
12/1-16/04 54 30 16


Newsweek Poll conducted by Princeton Survey Research Associates International. March 17-18, 2005. N=1,010 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3.


"We're interested in your opinion of the way George W. Bush is handling certain aspects of his job. Do you approve or disapprove of the way Bush is handling Social Security?"


Approve Disapprove Unsure
% % %
3/17-18/05 33 59 8


"Who do you trust more on the issue of Social Security: President Bush or Democrats in Congress?" Options rotated


in Congress
equally (vol.)
Neither (vol.) Unsure
% % % % %
3/17-18/05 33 44 3 12 8


Time Poll conducted by Schulman, Ronca & Bucuvalas (SRBI) Public Affairs. March 15-17, 2005. N=1,010 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3.







"President Bush said that the Social Security system needs to be overhauled immediately to avert a crisis in the future. Others say that the system can be saved with relatively small changes and that this is just a scare tactic. Which view is closest to your own? Is there a crisis or is this just a scare tactic?"



There Is
a Crisis
% % % %
3/15-17/05 43 48 3 6
1/12-13/05 45 44 3 7






"President Bush favors changing the Social Security system to allow people to invest part of their Social Security payroll tax in stocks and bonds. Do you favor or oppose this proposed change to Social Security?"



Favor Oppose Unsure
% % %
3/15-17/05 40 52 8
1/12-13/05 44 47 9






"What if under President Bush's proposed Social Security plan for personal investment accounts, you would get less guaranteed money from Social Security when you retire, but you also get the money you invested in your personal investment account. Would you then favor or oppose the President's plan for personal investment accounts?"



Favor Oppose Unsure
% % %
3/15-17/05 42 51 8
1/12-13/05 41 48 10






"Under the Bush plan, the federal government would have to borrow between one trillion and two trillion dollars or more over the next 10 years or so to provide Social Security to retirees in order to make up for the money going into the personal investment accounts. The money would be paid back later, over time. Would you now favor or oppose allowing some Social Security money to be invested in personal accounts and reducing benefits if the government had to borrow up to two trillion dollars in the next 10 years to pay for the new plan?"



Favor Oppose Unsure
% % %
3/15-17/05 24 67 9
1/12-13/05 21 69 9


ABC News/Washington Post Poll. March 10-13, 2005. N=1,001 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3.


"How much do you feel you know about Bush's proposals to change the Social Security system: a great deal, a good amount, only some or hardly anything?"


A Great Deal A Good
Only Some Hardly
% % % % %


13 37 35 14 1


"Overall, do you support or oppose Bush's proposals on Social Security?"


Support Oppose Unsure    
% % %    


37 55 8    


40 49 11    


44 50 6    


37 56 7    


34 58 8    

65 & older

31 62 7    


11 83 6    


33 56 11    


74 20 6    


FOX News/Opinion Dynamics Poll. March 1-2, 2005. N=900 registered voters nationwide. MoE ± 3.


"Regardless of whether you personally would want to invest your Social Security contribution in personal or private accounts, do you think it is a good idea or a bad idea for the Social Security system to include personal accounts for people under age 55?"


Good idea Bad idea Unsure
  % % %
ALL 40 47 13
  Under 30 years 65 29 6
  30-45 46 39 15
  46-55 44 45 11
  Over 55 29 56 15

Social Security continued


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