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The 21st Century  (p. 2)

Biggest problem | Greatest world power | New millenium |
New Year's Eve, 1999 | Worst part

The New Millennium

Gallup/CNN/USA Today Poll. Dec. 28, 1999. N=622 adults nationwide. MoE +/- 4.


"As far as you know, which date will officially mark the beginning of the new millennium: January 1, 2000, or January 1, 2001?"
January 1, 2000 49
January 1, 2001 45
No opinion 6


"Looking ahead to next year, are you more hopeful or more fearful about what the Year 2000 holds in store for you personally?"
More hopeful 85
More fearful 6
Mixed (vol.) 5
No opinion 4


"Looking ahead to next year, are you more hopeful or more fearful about what the Year 2000 holds in store for the world in general?"
More hopeful 68
More fearful 22
Mixed (vol.) 5
No opinion 5


CBS News/MarketWatch Poll. Dec. 17-19, 1999. N=1,026 adults nationwide. MoE +/- 3.


"I'm going to read you a list of technological inventions. For each one, please tell me whether you think it will still be used by most people at the end of the next century, or whether it will have been outdated by then. Do you think [see below] will still be used by most people at the end of the next century, or will it/they be outdated by then?"
% % % %
"the Internet" 79 18 1 2
"printed books" 68 31 1 0
"the telephone" 57 42 1 0
"regular post office mail" 44 54 1 1
"compact disks" 37 60 1 2
"cars that run on gasoline" 27 70 1 2
"VCRs, that is, video cassette recorders" 9 90 0 1


ABC News Poll. Latest: Dec. 1-5, 1999. N=1,042 adults nationwide. MoE +/- 3. Field work by TNS Intersearch.


"As you know, the year 2000 is coming. Do you feel that the millennium has any special significance, or do you feel that it's just another new year?"
12/99 8/99
% %
Special significance 30 38
Just another new year 68 61
No opinion 2 1


Fabrizio, McLaughlin & Associates (R). Nov. 9-11, 1999. N=1,000 registered voters nationwide. MoE +/- 3.1.


"As you know, there has been a series of disasters in the news lately, including airplane crashes, mass shootings, and natural disasters like earthquakes. [Rotate] Some people say that these events are all linked and may foreshadow the wrath of God as we approach the new millenium. Other people say that these are unfortunate coincidences and there's nothing significant about all of these events happening so quickly and close to the new millenium. What do you think? Is there some meaning behind all these disasters, or are they merely a coincidence?"
Unfortunate coincidences 66
May foreshadow wrath of God 26
No opinion 7


ABC News Poll. Aug. 16-22, 1999. N=506 adults nationwide. MoE +/- 4.5. Field work by TNS Intersearch.


"As you know, the year 2000 is coming. Do you feel that the millennium has any special significance, or do you feel that it's just another new year?"
Special significance 38
Just another new year 61
No opinion 1


Among those who answered "special significance" to previous question:
"Is that mainly historical significance, mainly religious, or what?"
Historical 59
Religious 10
Both equally (vol.) 23
No opinion 8


"Looking ahead, what would you say is your greatest hope for the next millennium -- the thing you’d most like to see humankind achieve?"
World peace 38
Cure for cancer/AIDS/other 13
People to get along better with each other 9
People turning to God/Becoming more spiritual 5
Improved race relations 4
To go further in space 4
Reduction in pollution/environmental responsibility 4
Return to family values 3
Elimination of hunger/starvation 2
A decrease in violence 2
Everyone to have a job 2
School/education 1
Miscellaneous-greatest hopes 8
No opinion 4


The Los Angeles Times Poll. Feb. 27-28, 1999. N=1,249 adults nationwide.


ALL Protes-
% % % %
"A lot of attention has been paid to the beginning of the year 2000, the new millennium, this coming January. Do you believe that the beginning of the new millennium signifies something important, or is it just another New Year's Day?"
Something important 46 46 52 43
Just another New Year's Day 50 49 46 52
Don't know 4 5 2 5


"Do you think it is very likely that the beginning of the new millennium will bring a marked increase in floods, earthquakes or other natural disasters, or somewhat likely or somewhat unlikely or very unlikely?"
Very likely 7 6 11 7
Somewhat likely 19 18 18 17
Somewhat unlikely 18 18 16 22
Very unlikely 48 49 51 47
Don't know 8 9 4 7


"Do you think it is very likely that the beginning of the new millennium will bring significant civil unrest in the nation, or somewhat likely or somewhat unlikely or very unlikely?"
Very likely 10 9 11 11
Somewhat likely 20 22 21 21
Somewhat unlikely 24 21 25 21
Very unlikely 39 40 39 38
Don't know 7 8 4 9


"Are you or any members of your family stockpiling food, water or other supplies in greater amounts than normal because of concerns about the beginning of the new millennium, or not?"
Yes 11 11 11 13
No 87 87 89 86
Don't know 2 2 - 1


The Harris Poll. Nov. 11-15, 1998. N=1,010 adults nationwide.


"Thinking about the future of the country, by the year 2020 do you think the country's [see below] is/are more likely to get better or worse?"
Better Worse Don't
% % %
"race relations" 66 30 5
"quality of medical care" 54 43 3
"quality of life" 49 47 4
"environment" 42 55 2
"moral values" 34 62 4


"Thinking about the future of the community in which you live, by the year 2020 do you think that your community's quality of life is more likely to get better or worse?"
Better 60
Worse 36
No change (vol.) 3
Don't know 1


"By the year 2020 do you think people like you in your community will be more or less able to afford [see below]?"
More Less Don't
% % %
"a new house" 37 60 3
"medical care" 34 64 3
"college education for children" 29 68 3


Shell Oil Company Shell Poll conducted by Peter D. Hart Research Associates (D). Nov. 5-8, 1998. N=1,264 adults nationwide.


"As you may know, we are approaching the year 2000 and the beginning of the new millennium. Do you personally feel that the beginning of a new millennium is an important event, or just another date on the calendar?"
Important event 48
Just another date 49
Not sure 3


If answered "Important event" above: "Do you feel that the third millennium is important mainly as a historical event, as a religious event, as a time to make major changes in your life, or as a mystical event?"
Historical event 21
Time to make major changes 12
Religious event 7
Mystical event 3
None/Other (vol.) 1
Not sure 4
Not asked this question 52


New Year's Eve, 1999

CBS News Poll. Jan. 2, 2000. N=707 adults nationwide. MoE +/- 4.


"Do you think governments in the United States responded appropriately to the possibility of terrorism in the United States this weekend, were they too cautious, or do you think they should have been even more cautious?"
Responsed appropriately 79
Too cautious 8
Should have been more cautious 6
Don't know 7


"There were no reports of terrorism on New Year's Eve. Which of the following do you think is the more important reason for that: governments spent time and energy providing enough security against such threats OR the threats of terrorism weren't serious to begin with?"
Enough security 59
Threats weren't serious 32
Don't know 9


Gallup/CNN/USA Today Poll. Latest: Dec. 28, 1999. N=622 adults nationwide. MoE +/- 4.


"Next we have a few questions about possible terrorism this New Year's. First, how likely do you think it is that there will be one or more terrorist attacks in the United States on New Year's Eve or New Year's Eve Day: very likely, somewhat likely, somewhat unlikely, or very unlikely?"
12/28 12/20-21
% %
Very likely 21 22
Somewhat likely 40 40
Somewhat unlikely 24 23
Very unlikely 13 12
No opinion 2 3


"How do you feel about the warnings that have been in the news about possible New Year's Eve terrorist problems? Do you consider these warnings unnecessary overreactions or necessary precautions?"
Unnecessary 17
Necessary 80
No opinion 3


"How likely are you to change your behavior or take special precautions this New Year's because of concerns you may have about terrorism: very likely, somewhat likely, somewhat unlikely, or very unlikely?"
Very likely 13
Somewhat likely 20
Somewhat unlikely 17
Very unlikely 49
No opinion 1


ABC News.com Poll. Latest: Dec. 21-23 & 26, 1999. N=1,012 adults nationwide. MoE +/- 3. Field work by ICR.


"How concerned are you about the possibility of a major terrorist attack in this country during the New Year's Eve holiday this year? Is that something that worries you a great deal, somewhat, not too much, or not at all?"
& 26
% %
A great deal 9 8
Somewhat 31 18
Not too much 29 26
Not at all 30 47
No opinion - 1


ABC News Poll. Dec. 1-5, 1999. N=1,042 adults nationwide. MoE +/- 3. Field work by TNS Intersearch.


"Do you think you'll probably go out someplace this coming New Year's eve, or stay in at your home?" If "go out": "Will you probably go to a public place, like a restaurant, bar or hotel ballroom; or to a private place, like a friend or family member's home?"
Stay at own home 61
Go to a public place 18
Go to a private place 16
No opinion 5


The Worst Part of Living in the 21st Century

Shell Oil Company Shell Poll conducted by Peter D. Hart Research Associates (D). Nov. 5-8, 1998. N=1,264 adults nationwide.


"Here are a few things that could happen in the next century. Please tell me which one of the following would be the worst part of living in the 21st century. . . ."
"Scientists will be able to clone human beings" 58
"Most people will live to be at least 100 years old" 12
"Women in their 50s and 60s will be able to conceive children" 9
"Genetic engineering will be conducted" 8


"Extraterrestrial life will be discovered" 7
None/Other (vol.) 3
Not sure 3


The Greatest Power of the Next Century

Shell Oil Company Shell Poll conducted by Peter D. Hart Research Associates (D). Nov. 5-8, 1998. N=1,264 adults nationwide.


"The United States is often considered to be the major world power of the 20th century. Which one of the following do you think will be the greatest power of the next century? . . ."
The United States 62
China 16
The European Community 8
Japan 8
Russia 2
None/Other (vol.) 1
Not sure 3


The Most Important Problem

CBS News Poll. Latest: Dec. 17-19, 1999. N=1,026 adults nationwide. MoE +/- 3.


"What do you think will be the most important problem facing the world in the 21st century?"
12/99 3/98
% %
War 18 16
Poverty 12 8
Overpopulation 8 7
Environment 6 12
Economy 6 3
Crime 3 3
Moral values 3 4
Terrorism 3 1
Social issues 2 0
Nuclear 2 3
Other 19 20
Don't know 18 23


ABC News Poll. Aug. 16-22, 1999. N=506 adults nationwide. MoE +/- 4.5. Field work by TNS Intersearch.


"And what do you see as the greatest remaining problem that people will have to deal with in the next millennium?"
Racism/prejudice/hate crimes 14
Learning to get along with each other 9
Pollution/the environment 8
Violence 8
Overpopulation/population growth 7
War 5
Immorality 5
Hunger/food shortage 5
Financial problems 4
Crime 3
Poverty 3
Greed/selfishness 3
Leaning how to live in peace 3
Religion/Religious differences 2
The AIDS virus 2
Drugs 2
Discrepancy between rich and poor 2
Diseases (misc.) 2
Miscellaneous 10
No opinion 5


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